Contact these friendly faces to get involved with a committee or for more information on events happening at CCM!
Avery is a sophomore Biology major with a minor in Pre-med from Sterling, VA. He enjoys playing music on the piano and cajon for our Catholic Campus Ministry and leads a bible study with some awesome dudes as well. When he has free time, Avery loves to work on his car, spend time outside, and talk about anything from dinosaurs to Catholic theology. He started coming to the Catholic Campus Ministry as a freshman and was immediately blown away by the amazing, virtuous people he encountered and how much they loved the faith. Now, Avery can't wait to give back to this community that has given him so much by serving as its Student Campus Minister this year!
Bella White
Bella is a junior Inclusive Early Childhood Education major from Edgewater, MD. She became involved in CCM during the spring semester of her sophomore year after attending the SEEK national conference. She now leads a bible study and enjoys being a part of Madison City Worship as a vocalist. She is so excited to be ASCM this year and to serve the CCM community that has given her so much. Outside of CCM Bella can be found hiking (shoutout to the CCM hiking club), cooking, sitting at CCM avoiding her homework, and hanging out with friends.
[email protected]
John Bork
John is a sophomore psychology major from Rockville, MD. He started getting involved with liturgy at CCM since his freshman year when he signed up to be a lector. He is so excited to be responsible for leading all the important components of the Mass (and annoying Fr. Peter). If you spot him on campus, he will either be walking way too fast for no reason or eating a giant bowl of yogurt. He looks forward to meeting more people who want to be active in liturgy, but most importantly hopes to grow deeper in his relationship with Jesus!
[email protected]
Charlie Burger
Charlie is a junior Finance major with a CIS minor. He hails from the great city of Springfield, Va. He loves snowboarding, lacrosse, watching Formula 1 and the Capitals! Charlie works as a Student Athlete tutor when he can and is the Treasurer for the JMU Knights of Columbus. Within CCM, Charlie leads a bible study and also coordinates Sunday Mass (find him sitting in the back by himself). He is excited to be serving the Catholic community, that has given him so much, as the communications chair this year. If you couldn't tell he has been to Yellowstone National Park :)
[email protected]
Irene Kaczmarek
Irene is a sophomore nursing major from Clifton, Virginia. Irene is so excited to be a hospitality chair this year and can’t wait to bring people closer to the lord through community events. She loves being part of a sophomore bible study and praising with Madison City Worship at CCM. Outside of CCM you can find Irene hanging out with her roommates or enjoying a large sprite from Chick-fil-A. She loves any and all rom-com movies (when she says she hates love shes lying), all ocean creatures (whale sharks in particular), shopping (with money she doesn't have), and enjoys providing comedic relief for everyone around her:)
Emma Hoffman
Emma is a junior International Affairs and Political Science double major with an Italian minor from Ardmore, PA. She got involved with CCM during her sophomore year and since then, has fallen more in love with the Catholic faith and made some great friends. Emma loves Taylor Swift, the Phillies, and falling asleep during every movie she watches. At CCM, she leads a bible study and loves to just hang out there. Her favorite saint is St. Therese of Lisieux (she's actually been to Lisieux too!). Emma is so excited to serve as one of the hospitality chairs this year!!
outreach@jmuccm.comAlex Hakim
Alex is a graduate student from Virginia Beach, VA. She is currently getting her Master in Teaching to become a high school history teacher. At JMU, she has been a part of the Club Water Polo Team and the social sorority Alpha Delta Pi (BOOM BOOM)! She loves getting coffee with new and old friends, talking with strangers, and dancing anywhere! Alex is so excited to get to know everyone in CCM and reach out to all the students on the JMU campus.
[email protected]Alexa Roussel
Alexa is a Major in Writing, Rhetoric, and Technical Communication from Manassas. She got involved with CCM during her freshman year and has made many friends with a shared love for Christ. Alexa loves drawing, reading, and serving others in her community. She is excited to serve as the JMU CCM’s service chair this year!
[email protected]
Conor Finnegan
Conor is a junior Public Policy and Administration major with a minor in Political Science from Centreville, VA. He did not grow up Catholic, but came to CCM in his freshman year and fell in love with the faith. He was baptized and confirmed at the Easter Vigil his sophomore year, and continues to fall more in love with the faith each day. Within CCM, he leads a Bible study and is an active member of the JMU Knights of Columbus council. He enjoys cooking, history, and aquariums, as well as reading and learning about the saints. Some of his favorite saints are Saint Gemma Galgani and Pope Saint Pius X. Conor can often be found in the CCM couch room or walking faster than the speed of light to and from Miller Hall. Conor is so excited to serve as the Spiritual Formation chair!
[email protected]
Patrick Darnell
Bio coming soon